144 Members
Yooo dorești să găsești un loc de hangout? Alătură-te serverului nostru de discord, Homies Gang! Locul perfect dacă vrei sa îți găsești homies pentru gaming, prieteni noi sau doar vrei să te relaxezi după o zi obositoare. Mai sunt multe alte activități dar acestea le aflați pe server! Când intri pe server citește regulamentul și pregătește-te pentru aventura ta legendară la noi pe server!! 🚀🚀
Yoo wanna find a new hangout place? Join our discord server, Homies Gang! The perfect place for finding homies for gaming, new friends or just chill after an exhausting day. There are lots of other activities but you’ll find out about them after you join us! When you enter the server read the rules and get ready for your legendary experience with us!! 🚀🚀
Peace out Homies ✌🏽
Homies Gang Discord server has 144 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 weeks ago. Homies Gang also has 194 emojis, 4 boosters and is located in the Us Central region.
To join Homies Gang on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for Homies Gang is discord.gg/6rYxV4E7q7