33 Members
***Are you struggling with bad performance on your social media as twitch, youtube or tiktok?***
### Welcome To Twilly!
We provide the following things:
-Shop, the shop gives you oppurtunities to grow your social media twice as fast as the free versions methods we provide to you.
The shop includes the following things:
- Twitch Bot for livestream viewers, we give a free version and a premium one, the premium one gives you a ping for more viewers!
- Youtube Channel Grow Guide, this guide includes how to grow your channel, views and followers.
- TikTok Channel Grow Guide, this guide includes how to grow your channel, views and followers
For both youtube and tiktok we provide a free and premium method to grow your channel. ***The premium helps you 2x more than the free version!***
- Events, we also do do weekly events! You guys choose the games! Gamenight?
What are we looking for?
- Staff Team, We need a staff team that can help our members to grow their social media.
- Editors, We need editors to help people edit better than ever!
- Gamers, gamers can help twitch or youtube livestreamers to get the best possible set up out there and we need gamers for people who just wanna game!
- Devs, are you good in developing? Can you script? Make sure to dm <@1244638849146159206> and he will give you more information on the dev team!
So if you are bored, cant grow your social media or want to game? Make sure to join: https://discord.gg/4cmW5kCdZR
Twilly Discord server has 33 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 months ago. Twilly also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.
To join Twilly on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for Twilly is discord.gg/4ctnzdhcCr