Wrecks Town

Wrecks Town

89 Members

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  • Members: 89
  • Category: Gaming
  • Bumped: 2 months ago
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Wrecks Town Discord Server

All my life since I was a little child I always wanted to entertain people and make people’s day and one day I figured out I could do that by making content and streaming. And I always thought it would be amazing if there was a way to have a place where if I ever did form a community it to all be in one place. fast forward to now, I spent the past 5 months learning and piecing together a server and it was very frustrating tbh and well ITS FINALLY FINISHED!!!.

hello! My name is Wreck, I am the owner and creator of 𐚁 Wrecks Town 𐚁

I created this server out of fun not knowing what I was doing but soon I realized that I wanted it to be more. I wanted to build a community, a safe place. I wanted this server to be a place for everyone. A place where YOU! Can make countless friends and just be yourself without getting judged. and discuss your favorite topics or shows with others. Of course, there are many servers like this one. So why should you join 𐚁 Wrecks Town 𐚁? Well, we have channels ranging from memes to art to photography AND gaming. And quite literally countless other channels not to mention mini-games and fun bots to mess with. OH YEAH and drum roll please….!! it’s cowboy-themed 𐚁 !!. Not to mention we have amazing moderators that will handle a situation all you out gotta do is let them know and there on top of it we do not tolerate racism or bullying we deal with that stuff pretty harshly. And don’t worry I know what you're thinking a server with countless channels etc isn’t that a bit much and overwhelming? Well yes but with the new Onboarding system discord made it to where YOU! can pick and choose which channel or category in the server you wanna participate in so it won’t overwhelm you in the start. Well, that's my server I hope to see you in it :)!

Advanced Server Info

Last Bumped
2 months ago
Eu West
Server ID
Disforge Premium?
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Wrecks Town Discord server has 89 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 months ago. Wrecks Town also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

To join Wrecks Town on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for Wrecks Town is discord.gg/https://discord.gg/QJakJaCFsX

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