1,109 Members
arachnia was founded in 2019 with the goal of providing a superior reading experience for those who love to read. We offer a variety of stories from mythology to lore and articles from a wide selection of authors, allowing you to find the perfect story for your mood and interests. We also have a community of like-minded readers who can offer recommendations and support to you.
We also have venting/ranting channels for those of you who want to get something off your chest or just to talk with someone on a personal matter.
We have nitro perks such as instant access to some of our permissions in the server or even posting yourself in a self-promotion channel, allowing you to get followers while boosting our community! ( you also get access to a channel where you can select a special color ). <33
Our level roles are very unique and are based on stories in mythology with each role having its own unique stories role emoji and perks included!! but I won't get into that here. <3
arachnia Discord server has 1,109 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 6 months ago. arachnia also has 500 emojis, 15 boosters and is located in the Us South region.
To join arachnia on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for arachnia is discord.gg/B2Xua5BsrH