The Mood Readers

The Mood Readers

20 Members

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The Mood Readers Discord Server

The scene is set. You’re laying in a comfortable spot. More than one candle is lit. Maybe you have some soothing music playing in the background. You are so excited to start reading this book that’s been on your TBR list for months. You open the book and read a few pages. As you hum to yourself, you try to focus on the descriptions, the words, and imagery. After a few moments, you can’t fight it any longer. You’re bored. You don’t feel like reading about this new character. You’re not sucked into the story. You sigh, close the book, and cast it aside. You doubt you’ll pick it back up anytime soon.
Instead, you wander throughout your library and see if there is something else that will strike your fancy within the next ten minutes. If you’re lucky, you find something right away and start reading it. Maybe you google, “books for when you’re feeling...” Unfortunately, you don’t find what you’re looking for. You return back to your home and stare at the book sitting on your table. Why can’t you just pick it back up and push through? Why can’t you give it another try? You can’t explain it. All you can say is that you’re not in the mood. Does this happen more often than not?

If so, you're in the right place.
If not- well, you're still welcome to join!
Last but not the least, don't forget to invite your friends over!
Welcome :)

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The Mood Readers Discord server has 20 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 9 months ago. The Mood Readers also has 28 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Southafrica region.

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