The Supernatural Diaries

The Supernatural Diaries

19 Members

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  • Members: 19
  • Category: Other
  • Bumped: 5 months ago
roleplay lgbt fun
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The Supernatural Diaries Discord Server

``` The Supernatural Diaries ```

*TSD is a discord role-play based server. Here we go off of “OCs,” and to make one you go through a series of commands to hep base your OC. We are based off of the popular CW series: The Vampire Diaries, Legacies, and the Originals, and this is what we have to offer.*

``` ```

` What are the Booster Perks? `
- *The 1x Boosters get several perks, including +4 extra rolls, exclusive species, $1,300 starter cash and level eight to begin.*
- *The 2x boosters get several perks as well, it’s the exact same as 1x however +5 extra rolls, stronger exclusive species, etc.*

` What do Donators gain? `
- *Well for Basic Nitro donations, they gain: permission to make Exclusive Titles with perks, stronger species, etc.*
- *Those who donate $10 Nitro or Cashapp USD, they gain the same as Basic Nitro donations, however it’s must more stronger and better than any of the perks. They also gain exclusive titles.*

Advanced Server Info

Last Bumped
5 months ago
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The Supernatural Diaries Discord server has 19 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 5 months ago. The Supernatural Diaries also has 29 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Southafrica region.

To join The Supernatural Diaries on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for The Supernatural Diaries is

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