New York Masquerade

New York Masquerade

35 Members

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  • Members: 35
  • Category: Other
  • Bumped: 6 months ago
roleplay nsfw gaming
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New York Masquerade Discord Server

V20 | Play by Post | 18+ Community | Set in 1940 NYC

"Yeah yeah yeah, WELCOME to the nocturnal symphony of chaos affectionately named New York City. This already tumultuous tower of cement, with its mortal aspirations and anxieties, is quickly descending further into darkness as ominous events slowly unfurl." - Dominic "Lucky" Romano (Ventrue Primogen)


It all began in October 1940 in New York, a city veiled in shadow, and a dark secret on the cusp of revelation. As the new world struggles with the stark realities of the Great Depression, a series of grizzly murders sends tremors through the very foundations of mortal society; exposing the existence of the rapidly growing Underworld.

As members of the Camarilla, we're already struggling to gain a foothold in the city and now find ourselves thru

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New York Masquerade Discord server has 35 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 6 months ago. New York Masquerade also has 169 emojis, 9 boosters and is located in the Japan region.

To join New York Masquerade on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

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