Fenced Memes

Fenced Memes

8 Members

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dank-memer meme fun economy
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Fenced Memes Discord Server

Can't find good memes anymore? Neither could I. Most servers are filled with people who post the same old boring memes. I've created a new space so that we may make memes dank again. You will be guaranteed to laugh or I will personally pay you.

Hello, I created this server with the intention of filtering out shitty memes. I believe everyone should be able to post whatever they find funny, but I think what ends up happening is you get a lot of shit posting which makes it hard to find good memes. This server works on a karma based system so that the more people that enjoy your (stolen) memes the more reputation you get, eventually allowing you to post in channels with limited access. The goal of this system is to have a channel in which only trusted dank members are allowed to post, effectively filtering out humorless posts. I hope to create a server in which I know myself and others can count on to have endless hours of good laughs, eventually creating a community arou

Advanced Server Info

Last Bumped
1 year ago
Eu West
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Disforge Premium?
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Fenced Memes Discord server has 8 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago. Fenced Memes also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

To join Fenced Memes on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for Fenced Memes is discord.gg/avrWNycTc3

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