42 Members
â•â•¯0・ðŒðšð¯ð¢ð£ð®ð¬ð‡ð®ð›:tm: ||@🌟・User||
﹕1・:love_letter: | Staff attivo e competente.
﹕2・:handshake: | Partnership Aperte.
﹕3・:ice_cube: | Server Basato sui giochi, chill ed streaming.
﹕4・:crystal_ball: | Giveaway di 50€
﹕5・:heart: | Entra ora
E molte altre cose, entra e le scoprirai!!!
ðŒðšð¯ð¢ð£ð®ð¬ð‡ð®ð›™ Discord server has 42 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. ðŒðšð¯ð¢ð£ð®ð¬ð‡ð®ð›™ also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.
To join ðŒðšð¯ð¢ð£ð®ð¬ð‡ð®ð›™ on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for ðŒðšð¯ð¢ð£ð®ð¬ð‡ð®ð›™ is discord.gg/hBMCQS6sxa