Pleasure's of Voluptas (18+ RP)

Pleasure's of Voluptas (18+ RP)

31 Members

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  • Members: 31
  • Category: NSFW
  • Bumped: 1 year ago
writing roleplay scifi nsfw
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Pleasure's of Voluptas (18+ RP) Discord Server

Welcome to the illustrious and famously esteemed tropical resort and pleasure planet known as Voluptas-lll. Here on Voluptas, you will find yourself surrounded by lavish and extravagant luxuries one wouldn't think possible on 𝘢𝘯𝘺 civilized planet. We pride ourselves on our endless hospitality and neutral ground for all races and sentient minds alike to come and enjoy the wonders of our carefree way of life. Voluptas-lll is a Minshara class planet, placed perfectly in its solar system, circling two twin, white stars. A unique phenomenon in its own right that only adds to the charm and unique nature of Voluptas' scenic and tentatively sculpted sights. During the nights on Voluptas-lll, one can even bear witness to the planet's vibrant and ringed moon that circles so close to Voluptas, one could almost make out the waves in the moon's oceans.

The main attraction of Voluptas-lll is its sole presence of civilized life, a luxurious and completely expense-free vacation resort tha

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Pleasure's of Voluptas (18+ RP) Discord server has 31 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago. Pleasure's of Voluptas (18+ RP) also has 50 emojis, 5 boosters and is located in the Southafrica region.

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