17 Members
This is a LGTQ+ server I made. You can make new friends or use it as a LGBTQ+ dating server. Non LGBTQ+/allies are also welcome! Look at rules, roles, and introductions in that order when you first join.
I have matchmaking as to what I do in the server, if I get more than 100 matchmaking forms in the server, I will be accepting applications for cupids.
Until that, I will be the only cupid working in the server, so don't expect any results right away. But you can also use this server as more of a safe space or a hang out.
We will also have movie nights
just another hangout server Discord server has 17 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. just another hangout server also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.
To join just another hangout server on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for just another hangout server is discord.gg/hRAH3Uvj