💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢

💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢

35 Members

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  • Members: 35
  • Category: Advertising
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

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💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢 Discord Server

Owner: 🔍 Cluetex Cheetete 🐆
Theme: Superpower Fiction

💥 {Marvel/ DC Ultra is a universe where a strange and powerful supernatural machine that opens a rift, allowing both Marvel and Dc universes to cross. Both Marvel and Dc characters are allowed in this server along with Dark Horse, IDW Publishing, Image Comics and Valiant.}

🎓 {Potientals United University, a university where students with superpowers can train how to use them. Epic events will occur, drama will pursue and some villains will be at bay. New superheroes are being born to fight for justice while villains lurk in almost every corner waiting to ensure doom. You start off as Freshman to Sophomore to Junior to Senior to Graduate.} 🎓

📖 Rules:
¤ If you are "caught" breaking these rules. You will either go to detention, be suspended or expelled depending on the severity of these rules.
NO VILLAINS IN OUR SCHOOL. (So infiltrators, hide your villainous identity well or else you'll s

Advanced Server Info

Last Bumped
2 years ago
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Disforge Premium?
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💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢 Discord server has 35 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. 💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢 also has 34 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the India region.

To join 💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢 on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for 💢 Marvel/ DC Ultra Universe 💢 is discord.gg/marvel-dc-ultra

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