211 Members
Welcome to xPro Gaming,
We're a gaming community that strives to bring everyone together and help each other through our gaming quests or just to chat to fellow gamers in our server.
What we offer:
- Daily Discord events.
- Lots of Roles
- Friendly People
- Active Chat
- Many platformed games (Destiny 2, GTA 5 and many more!!!).
We also have a YouTube and Twitch team with plenty opportunities to join and grow your YouTube/Twitch Account!!!
Please join today!
xPro Gaming Discord server has 211 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. xPro Gaming also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.
To join xPro Gaming on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for xPro Gaming is discord.gg/kfgGsgF
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