Clone Wars: The Stories no one knows

Clone Wars: The Stories no one knows

22 Members

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Clone Wars: The Stories no one knows Discord Server

Welcome to Clone Wars: The Stories no one knows

You open your eyes and the first thing you see is your comrade lying on you. He is dead. Your ears are ringing and your eyes burn, you open them and you can't really make out where you are, you just know that you have to survive. You see Blaster bolts flying through the Air, killing soldiers and droids on both sides. You try to stand up, you've been taken down by a detonating grenade not even five minutes ago but here you are, standing again. Doing what you've been prepared for over the last years. You and your bothers have all been trained for this and here you all stand, fighting and dying side by side. This is a war, but not just any war, these are the Clone Wars. This is your Story. You can decide who you wanna fight for, on the battlefields with your bothers or the droid army. Or fight for your own people in the Senate, be a peacekeeper or become a Dark Lord and play both sides against each other to reach a greater goal. Or just f

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2 years ago
Eu West
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Clone Wars: The Stories no one knows Discord server has 22 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. Clone Wars: The Stories no one knows also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

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