16,867 Members
Tails n’ Scales is a large community that focuses on sharing, requesting, and appreciating furry pornography, also known as yiff. This is an 18+ only server. Our goal is to provide a place to hang out, chat, and enjoy yiff whether you're a furry or not. Age-verified users get access to a larger library of content, and we highly recommend verifying! We also offer creator verification so that artists can advertise here.
Generally, we provide:
• Areas for general discussion, memes, and voice chat.
• Highly organized yiff-based channels, and separate area for many yiff fetishes.
• Areas for Creators to advertise, and members to seek out artists.
• IRL NSFW content and a sex toy channel with local experts.
• A trained and reasonable staff team.
• And so much more!
Member activity is encouraged, but lurking is completely acceptable. We have many members that join for the yiff, and stay for the community. We hope that you do as well!
Tails n' Scales Discord server has 16,867 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 10 months ago. Tails n' Scales also has 182 emojis, 19 boosters and is located in the Us East region.
To join Tails n' Scales on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for Tails n' Scales is discord.gg/vyyJBKPZGH