USS Praxis

USS Praxis

15 Members

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  • Bumped: 2 years ago
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USS Praxis Discord Server

Personal Log, Stardate 87998.53 -- Seeking Senior Officers

Out of all my years here at Starfleet today is the day I am most excited for. Tomorrow is the launch and re-commissioning of the USS Praxis. The senior crew are being briefed on their mission, and the Captain is talking with Starfleet Command about the goals of their mission. Retrofits have gone on nicely, all systems and equipment has been tested and ran through the highest level diagnostics. Everything is in pristine condition, ready for flying and ready for pursuit.

This one vessel will bring back a once very prominent arm of Starfleet; it is what Starfleet exists for: Exploration and Expansion. We mustn't underestimate how powerful the launch of this vessel will be. It is my honor to be apart of the much larger picture, but alas this project will no longer be mine. Starting tomorrow, the Commanding Officer of the USS Praxis will take over whatever power I do have. It will be bittersweet, but I much prefer my duties as

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USS Praxis Discord server has 15 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. USS Praxis also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

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