36 Members
â–‚ â–„ â–… â–† â–‡ â–ˆ Louie's World â–ˆ â–‡ â–† â–… â–„ â–‚
Join today! We are a friendly community eager to meet new people! Our server is rapidly growing, and we have an excellent staff team, 24-7 live support, weekly events and more!
Why should you stay?:
➜ Extremely active and friendly members and staff!
➜ Active VCs
➜ Fun bots
➜ Leveling system
➜ Many channels
➜ Fun Roles
➜ LGBTQ+ friendly
➜ Live support system
➜ Non-toxic community
➜ Partnerships
➜ Karaoke events, game nights, trivia events and more!
If you need a home you can find it here, we do our very best to make sure every member is welcomed and has a great experience.
We really hope to see you there, chat in general to join the family today!
ã€â˜…】WE ARE HIRING Managers and Helpersã€â˜…】|
Louie's World ✔ Discord server has 36 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago. Louie's World ✔ also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.
To join Louie's World ✔ on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for Louie's World ✔ is discord.gg/https://discord.gg/tNfn6UvrDU
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