₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ

₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ

33 Members

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  • Members: 33
  • Category: Dating
  • Bumped: 2 years ago
gaming dating education
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₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ Discord Server

13-17 ONLY

Shy and having a hard time to meet new friends??? Wanna try and put yourself on the (dating) market?

Take a seat and let me tell you about the midnight lounge!

I can't promise we are gonna make you a millionaire or the hottest looking person on the planet. BUT! I can guarantee that you'll have fun here. You can express your thoughts, ideas, and post selfies, memes, and just pictures. But you don't have to, if you just wanna join and read the chats then whatever!!

Wanna rant and get that anger out? Or maybe you need advice? We got a channel just for that. Our admin are the best and we protect our own like family! Someone bothering you? Banned! Someone harassing you? Banned! Like magic boo !

Uncomfortable with voice chat? No problem! we have tons of channels just for casual, flirting, platonic, or gaming chats!

Sounds fun doesn't it? Yeah I know, we're pretty cool *flips hair*
So stop reading you book worm and join us! Oh and if you need help with that homew

Advanced Server Info

Last Bumped
2 years ago
Eu West
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Disforge Premium?
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₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ Discord server has 33 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago. ₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

To join ₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for ₮ⱨɇ ₥łđ₦ł₲ⱨ₮ â± øʉ₦₲ɇ is discord.gg/https://discord.gg/XvjxcnqG

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