164 Members
A server made for students by students!
We are a community of people who study and grow together. Inspire and motivate each other to work harder and achieve our dreams. Study/work together and be accountable during study sessions. Have fun and play games with other members during breaks.
We have various features to offer:
1. Study, complete tasks, earn xp, and climb ranks.
2. Post your goals (session, daily, weekly) and completed tasks to be more accountable.
3. Track your study time and have a healthy competition with the members!
4. Set timers, stopwatches, and reminders for important tasks.
5. Share forest codes, hours, and focus to do links.
6. Make your custom private channel or study in the library with background music!
7. We host events and study challenges to make studying a fun process for all!
8. Play games and chat with other members during breaks!
9. We have various clubs for different interests!
Study well and be productive for, in our server, every day i
Study Buddies Discord server has 164 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago. Study Buddies also has 55 emojis, 4 boosters and is located in the India region.
To join Study Buddies on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for Study Buddies is discord.gg/AZ9Br7PzNF