93 Members
Server Bio
A place to chill, socialize, play games, make new friends and talk about all of your favorite
things! The server is meant for chatting mostly, but also has much to do like share your art, listen to music with our music
bots, and also to mess around with our cool emojis and custom roles ツ!
We take Suggestions and have a fair and minimalistic rule base.
Also, this server is not meant for advertising other discord servers and is not centered around Flamingos or Shrimps, just a
fun title that explains the creativity of our minds and our friendly nature.
Also an extremely well organized server!
Lots of colourful roles
Lots of self roles
Economy Bots
Gaming Channels
Manga Category
Fun channels
Server Invite rewards
Movie Category and Movie Nights!
Flamingo's Den Discord server has 93 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago. Flamingo's Den also has 119 emojis, 1 boosters and is located in the Us East region.
To join Flamingo's Den on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.
The Discord server invite for Flamingo's Den is discord.gg/7pzZXQTJKk