Mythic Age

Mythic Age

26 Members

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A recent outbreak of people gaining supernatural abilities has occurred in our modern world. Most of the victims affected by the outbreak have been out cast and even assaulted due to fear of those without abilities.

The government has stepped in and suggested getting rid of them. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of supernatural humans have been unjustly slaughtered due to the paranoia of the majority. Finding all of this to be unnecessary and a waste, a multi billionaire woman stepped in. She goes by the name Lorita and found the whole concept both interesting and amusing. She suggested raising the troubled youth to be able to use their new found powers correctly and keep them safe.

The government made a classified deal and agreed to let a certain amount of 'supernatural' live peacefully in camp. Camp Lorita for the Not-So-Normal was made and news quickly spread after it was finished. The camp strictly only takes in the youth, those who are not 20 o

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Mythic Age Discord server has 26 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago. Mythic Age also has 1 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Us West region.

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