Yagira's Departure

Yagira's Departure

5 Members

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  • Members: 5
  • Category: Other
  • Bumped: 5 years ago

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Yagira's Departure Discord Server

Earth as we know it has decayed years after the sun exploded. Only the half of Earth that faces away from the sun was Earth's only remain. NASA went out on possibly their last trip into space, to find a new planet to terraform that's strong enough to support the last half of man kind. The protagonist Yagira Moizuni has a disease that's spreading fast from the chemicals coming from the decaying planet. This disease causes asthma and trouble moving. It also slowly eats away at your energy and will have fully consumed it in a year after getting infected. Yagira and the friends he made try to find a cure for this disease and save him from departing from the land of the living. Yagira also has a power that allows him to temporarily talk to the spirits of the dead. NASA ends up forming a group called the GSA, General Safety Assistance which goes around each day assuring that each survivor is safe. The GSA also produced a prosthetic sun that's strong enough to support the animal and plant lif

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5 years ago
Eu West
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Yagira's Departure Discord server has 5 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 5 years ago. Yagira's Departure also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

To join Yagira's Departure on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for Yagira's Departure is discord.gg/6mH9USE

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