

13 Members

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  • Members: 13
  • Category: Other
  • Bumped: 4 years ago

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Wimborne Discord Server

💥 Sci-Fi Fantasy rp with a lot of freedom in character/role choice

🌵Custom roles available

🕦 Set in the future so be creative ;)))

🔛 Always open to partnerships

🆓 We support creativity, and allow most leeway when creating a character, and will give you a choice on if you want something added into the server or not with polls

🌙 Vampires, werewolves, supernatural abilities


It's 2075 and the world's not even close to being what it once was. The first vampire came out of hiding just five years ago, bringing the world into controlled panic: how long have they been living with us? However, that's not all that happened to change the world so drastically. Following the appearance of vampires, werewolves made themselves known to the work, entire packs found to be living in the same neighborhood. Apparently a lot of them didn't realize just how many of them there were. The humans began to feel threatened, refusing to hire anyone because there was

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Last Bumped
4 years ago
Eu West
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Disforge Premium?
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Wimborne Discord server has 13 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago. Wimborne also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.

To join Wimborne on Discord, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the server on Discord.

The Discord server invite for Wimborne is discord.gg/nyqGGYS

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