34 Members
The fastest and most secure Blockchain. More than five billion transactions per day, no more than three seconds to validate a transaction. New generation of Smart Contracts. Decentralized real-time applications that are operated like regular web services and developed with the help of any programming language including C ++, PHP, Solidity and others. Decentralized Internet. Decentralized apps directory and a multi-asset wallet that won't overload your computer. #MetaHash network exchange asset. #MetaHashCoin is used to ensure the reliability of the network, exchange services and regulate its self-financing and development.
MetaHash.org Discord server has 34 members and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago. MetaHash.org also has 0 emojis, 0 boosters and is located in the Eu West region.
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The Discord server invite for MetaHash.org is discord.gg/NQVskcG
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