To-do Bot

To-do Bot


4,740 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 4,740
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

To-do Bot Discord Bot

Admin Commands: add-staff - Add a role to access server commands. remove-staff - Remove a roles access to server commands. list-staff - List all of the set staff roles. setprefix - Set the guilds bot prefix. Server List Commands: add-serverta

Admin Commands:
add-staff - Add a role to access server commands.
remove-staff - Remove a roles access to server commands.
list-staff - List all of the set staff roles.
setprefix - Set the guilds bot prefix.

Server List Commands:
add-servertask - Add a task to the server list.
edit-servertask - Edit a task on the server list.
remove-servertask - Remove a task from the server list.
list-servertask - List all of the tasks from the server list.
assign-task - Assign a task to a specific staff member.
complete-assignment - Set an assigned task as completed.
list-assignments - List all of your assigned tasks.

User List Commands:
timezone - Set your time zone for timestamps/reminders.
add-list - Add a list to your personal lists.
edit-list - Edit the name of a personal list
remove-list - Remove a personal list.
add-task - Add a task to one of your personal lists.
edit-task - Edit a task on a personal list.
move-task - Move a task from one personal list to another.
remove-task - Remove a task from a personal list.
list - List all of the tasks from a personal list.
lists - All of your personal lists.
archive-task - Archive a task from one of your personal lists.
archives - A list of all the archived personal tasks.
remind - Set a personal reminder.
auto-remind - Set a repetitive personal reminder.
edit-reminder - Edit the text of a personal reminder.
remove-reminder - Remove a personal reminder.
remove-autoreminder - Remove a personal auto reminder.
reminders - List all of your personal reminders.
auto-reminders - List all of your personal auto reminders.

Miscellaneous Commands:
help - View all bot commands.
invite - A link to invite the bot.
info - View bot information.
vote - Links to vote for the bot.
ping - View the latency of the bot and API.
stats - View the statistics of the bot.
voted - Check when you or others last voted.
votes - View all of the bot voters.
rate - Rate the bot on various bot lists.
reviews - Look at the bot's reviews from Void Bots.
suggest - Suggest a feature for the bot.
privacy - Privacy policy of the bot.
debug - Debug the bots required permissions.
bug - Report a bug or anything related to the bot.

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 year ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
To-do Bot
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Frequently asked questions

To-do Bot Discord bot is in 4,740 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add To-do Bot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the To-do Bot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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