256 Servers 0 Votes
# Documentation for Nia#3208 (Discord-Bot) ## Nia A multipurpose bot, supports Moderation, Music, Giveaways, Image Manupulation, and some basic utilities. Nia is built with the best moderation commands which include voice based moderation comm
# Documentation for Nia#3208 (Discord-Bot)
## Nia
A multipurpose bot, supports Moderation, Music, Giveaways, Image Manupulation, and some basic utilities.
Nia is built with the best moderation commands which include voice based moderation commands. For music Nia uses a custom library to stream music at highest quality and provide better user experience. Image Manupulation tasks are carried out using Amethyste API, which processes images at a lightning fast rate. Nia is in active development, any bugs reported are fixed within 2Hrs of reporting. Which means you can totally rely on us!
## Why Nia?
### Project is in active development
#### Resolve bugs quickly
#### Better user exeperience
#### 24/7 support availability
### Hosted on dedicated servers
#### Zero downtime
#### Better performance
### Transperent Privacy Policy
## Commands
### Moderation
#### ban
Example: &ban [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
This command bans the [user mentioned] with [reason for audit logs]
#### kick
Example: &kick [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
This command kicks the [user mentioned] with [reason for audit logs]
#### nick
Example: &nick [user mention] [new nickname]
This command sets the [user mention]'s nickname as [new nickname]
#### profanity
Example: &profanity
This command enables the profanity filter in the server
#### purge
Example: &purge [integer between 1-100]
This command deletes [integer between 1-100] messages in current channel
#### vcdeaf
Example: &vcdeaf [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice deafens the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
#### vckick
Example: &vckick [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voicekicks the [user mention] for [reason for audit logs]
#### vcmute
Example: &vcmute [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice mutes the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
#### vcundeaf
Example: &vcundeaf [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice un-deafens the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
#### vcunmute
Example: &vcunmute [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice un-mutes the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
#### warn
Example: &warn [user mention] [reason]
Bot warns the [user mention] in DMs for [reason]
### Music
#### clearqueue
Example: &clearqueue
This command clears the Music queue for the server (If it exists)
#### disable-repeat
Example: &disable-repeat
This command stops looping the current song being played (If it exists)
#### enable-repeat
Example: &enable-repeat
This command starts looping the current song being played (If it exists)
#### np
Example: &np
Bot responds with the name of currenly playing song (If it exists)
#### pause
Example: &pause
This command pauses the current queue (If it exists)
#### play
Example: &play [song name or url]
This command plays the [song name or url] in vc
#### queue
Example: &queue
Bot responds the the current server queue (If it exists)
#### resume
Example: &resume
This command resumes the current queue (If it exists)
#### setvolume
Example: &setvolume [integer 0-10]
Sets the volume of current queue to [integer 0-10] (If it exists)
#### skip
Example: &skip
Skips one song from queue (If it exists)
#### stop
Example: &stop
This command stops the current queue (If it exists)
### Giveaways
#### end-giveaway
Example: &end-giveaway [message id]
This command ends the giveaway with [message id]
#### reroll-giveaway
Example: &reroll-giveaway [message id]
This command rerolls the giveaway with [message id]
#### start-giveaway
Example: &start-giveaway [channel mention] [duration] [winners] [prize]
This command creates a giveaway in [channel mention] for a duration of [duration] and for [winners] winners and [prize]
### Images
#### Commands which require 1 users as a mention
3000years, amiajoke, approved, av, avatarlink, beautiful,
brazzers, captcha, crush, dictator, fire, frame, glitch,
jail, look, passed, pixelize, rejected, rip, scary, steam,
tbc, thanos, threats, triggered, trinity, wanted, wasted
#### Commands which require 2 users as a mention
afusion, vs, www
#### Special image commands
Example: &cat
Generates a cat image
Example: &dog
Generates a dog image
Example: &clyde [some text]
Generates clyde image with [some text]
Example: &scroll [some text]
Generates scroll image with [some text]
### Others
#### afk
Example: &afk [afk note]
This command sets you as AFK and when you are pinged in the chat, bot responds with your [afk note]
#### changelog
Example: &changelog
This command displays the recent changes made to the bot
#### chat
Example: &chat [chat arguments]
Bot chats with you according to the [chat arguments] provided
#### help
Example: &help
Bot responds with command categories
#### invite
Example: &invite
Bot responds with bot's invite link
#### setlanguage
Example: &setlanguage [params]
Possible value for [params]: french or english
sets the [params] as the bot's language for the server
#### ping
Example: &ping
Bot responds with the Roundtrip and bot latency
#### poll
Example: &poll [poll arguments (min: 2, max: 10)]
Creates a poll in the channel with [poll arguments (min: 2, max: 10)]
#### prefix
Example: &prefix [new prefix]
This command sets [new prefix] as the server's prefix
#### resetprefix
Example: &resetprefix
Resets the server prefix to default (no matter what current prefix is running &resetprefix
will reset your prefix to default)
#### say
Example: &say [some text]
Messages the current channel with [some text]
#### server
Example: &server
Bot responds with the server information
#### snipe
Example: &snipe [channel mention]
Bot responds with the last message deleted in [channel mention]
#### stats
Example: &stats
Bot responds with system stats
#### support
Example: &support
Bot responds with support related information
#### uptime
Example: &uptime
Bot responds with bot's uptime
#### urban
Example: &urban [some word to search]
Bot performs a search for [some word to search] on urban dictonary and returns the response
#### vote
Example: &vote
Bot responds with bot's top.gg vote link
#### whois
Example: &whois [user mention]
Bot responds with details of [user mention]
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Nia Discord bot is in 256 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add Nia on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Nia bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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