


540 Servers 1 Votes

  • Servers: 540
  • Monthly Votes: 1
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

GeneralBot Discord Bot

GeneralBot has all the features to liven up your server, security and moderation features (basic, intermediate and advanced) to make your server safe and exciting. All functions are easy to configure; made for beginners to use, but with professional

GeneralBot has all the features to liven up your server, security and moderation features (basic, intermediate and advanced) to make your server safe and exciting. All functions are easy to configure; made for beginners to use, but with professional extension.

With our economy games you'll be able to mine coins, invest in stocks, earn income in savings, duel with your friends, apply for loans, buy lottery tickets, transfer your coins to other servers or to other users.

Make your server attractive, fun and automated!

Use the slash command /help command to see all commands and explanations!

Security Module - In the process of constant updating

GeneralBot is a bot made to administer and manage Discord servers. With this bot you will be able to assign administrative positions without worrying about the risks.

How does it work? The bot's security module removes all suspect's roles and removes it from the server when a user, who is not on the whitelist, bans/kicks a user or deletes a channel.

For channels, the bot will retrieve the deleted channels. Remember that the modules are in the testing phase and that you can help us improve this system or give tips for our module.

Come help us build this wonderful bot!

## GeneralBot Commands Summary

- Anti-raid system (/security enablesecurity) (✅)
- Level system (/define level) (✅)
- Delete some (/clear) or all messages (/clear_all) (✅)
- Advanced mute (/mute) and lock (/lock) system (✅)
- Clone a category and all its channels (/clone categoryfull) (✅)
- Edit permissions for a role or member in a channel (✅)
- Remove all roles from a server (/remove) (✅)
- Remove all channels and categories (✅)
- Remove all nicknames from a server (✅)
- Remove a role from all members (✅)
- Remove a specific role (✅)
- Remove all roles from a channel or category (✅)
- Remove inactive members (✅)
- Create a new role (/add newrole) (✅)
- Insert buttons with links in messages (/insert) (✅)
- Convert an already sent message to embed (/convert) (✅)
- Create custom embeds (/insert) (✅)
- Add reactions (/add) (✅)
- Add a role to all members (/add roleall) (✅)
- Tickets system (/define newticket ) (✅)
- Create roles by reactions (/add reactionrole) (✅)
- Create secret chat between servers (✅)
- Send messages as bots (✅)
- Translate messages to other languages ​​(✅)
- Translate GeneralBot to Portuguese (/language) (✅)
- Create categories, text and voice channels (✅)
- Sort members with specific role (✅)
- Roles for temporary reactions (✅)
- Create user input, output and ban channels (/wellcomechannel (✅)
- Rename categories and channels (/rename) (✅)
- Randomly selects a user who has a specific role (/sorterole) (✅)
- Timeout 10080 min or 7days (/lock and /unlock) (✅)

Made in Brazil 🇧🇷

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 year ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

GeneralBot Discord bot is in 540 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add GeneralBot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the GeneralBot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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