100 Servers 0 Votes
Athena! Athena is a powerful bot coded in discord.py with a wide range of different modules to ensure that all the commands work as efficiently as possible, with this in mind also it is important to note that quality is a very big factor in Athe
Athena is a powerful bot coded in discord.py with a wide range of different modules to ensure that all the commands work as efficiently as possible, with this in mind also it is important to note that quality is a very big factor in Athena. The general design of Athena has been made so that is easy for a person to invite it and use it straight away without any confusion. Errors? Don't worry, if you encounter and error the bot will tell you exactly what is wrong and you can fix the problem yourselves!
Within its first day it got to 50 servers and over 25,000 users! And it is highly recommended by all of these users as shown below!
With updates happening everyday as it is still being developed it would be worth seeing what is added in the future, we are big on community feedback and we take into account some suggestions which people make to us and because of this, a lot of the commands have been introduced because of these people!
List of Commands!
ban, hackban, unban, kick, softban, unbanall, clear, lockdown, slowmode, nuke, mute, unmute, announce, banlist, addrole, removerole
help, ping, uptime, stats, serverinfo, userinfo, roleinfo, avatar, banner, servericon, membercount, invite, enlarge, stats, about, revav, urban, privacy
balance, withdraw, deposit, give, rob, beg, daily, serve, heist, dice, fraud, scam, invade, hack, shoot, stab, pickpocket, slots, stimulus, leaderboard
play, nowplaying, queue, stop, join, pause, resume, skip
magicball, compliment, dadjoke, dick, feed, hug, kiss, pet, slap, cuddle, flip, gay, loyal, cute, thot, insult, tweet, trumptweet, magik, deepfry, blurpify, baguette, awooify, Iolice, changemymind, jpegify, whowouldwin, ship, trash, phcomment
Why Should I Pick Athena?
Athena unlike other popular bots is very community driven, if you suggest commands and other tweaks to the bot, you can ensure that they will be added, in recent events the developers have been asking the community for suggestions on what to fix and if people have encountered any issues and because of this, we were able to fix a majority of the issues that people were having.
Athena in itself is quite unique in the sense that it has lots more economy and fun commands than moderation and because of this, people are likely to use it to have a joke around with their friends. Moderation isn't always for everyone but fun is for everyone and this is why there is so many commands that people can do to ensure they are having fun with Athena!
On top of all of this, Athena is very easy to use and very easy to learn with a detailed help command and a very well made error system to ensure that if a user does encounter and error, they will know exactly what it is and what they should do to make sure they don't get the error again.
Update Frequency
For the past week or so the bot has been receiving updates nearly everyday and because of this, people are met with new commands and bonus error fixing to ensure that their experience with Athena is as good as it gets! In the future updates will be getting spread between 2-3 days but as of now, there will be updates which may involve the following everyday or so:
Bug Fixing
Command Tweaks
Added Commands
Removed Commands
Error Solving
Contact Information!
If you are requiring assistance with Athena it is recommened that you contact the developer of the bot immediately! You can contact them about any issues or errors that you are facing and you can be sure they will be fixed with 10-20 minutes of you reporting the issue, the reason for the delay is because some issues may be harder to fix than others and so overestimating the time it takes to fix the error is better the underestimating.
Developers Discord:
If you cannot reach jinxy#9624 please feel free to DM one of the bots admins!
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Athena Discord bot is in 100 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add Athena on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Athena bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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