77 Servers 0 Votes
Admin Only Commands ban: Bans a member/bot. Note: Bot role needs to be higher than the member/bot. kick: Kicks a member/bot. Note: Bot role needs to be higher than the member/bot. purge: Purges up to 100 messages. Note: Messages cannot be older tha
Admin Only Commands
ban: Bans a member/bot. Note: Bot role needs to be higher than the member/bot. kick: Kicks a member/bot. Note: Bot role needs to be higher than the member/bot. purge: Purges up to 100 messages. Note: Messages cannot be older than 14 days. resetwarns: Reset warnings of mentioned person warn: Warn anyone who do not obey the rules warnings: Get the warnings of yours or mentioned person
Miscellaneous Commands.
about: Shows about info of Hexx. command inspired by SpeckyBot invite: Sends bot invite. inviteserver: Sends support server invite link. setleave: Sets the leave channel. ADMINISTRATOR ONLY setwelcome: Sets the welcome channel. ADMINISTRATOR ONLY uptime: Shows the uptime of the bot.
Fun Commands!
dm: Sends a message to the user you mention. embed: Embeds the text you provide. joke: Gives you a random joke. meme: Gives you a random meme. minesweeper: Plays minesweeper. punch: Punches people! roll: Rolls a dice. say: Says what you would like. tic-start: Plays Tic Tac Toe with you!
Money Commands!
add-money: Gives you as much as you want (administrator only). balance: Gives you your balance. daily: Gives you 100 point daily. remove-money: Removes the amount of money chosen.
AFK Commands!
afk: You become AFK for whatever reason. Can be used by anyone. unafk: You stop being afk with this command. Can be used by anyone.
Shows music commands provided by Galnir.
lyrics: Get lyrics of any song or the lyrics of the currently playing song! move: Move song to a desired position in queue!
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grow and gain rewards!
Hexx Discord bot is in 77 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add Hexx on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Hexx bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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