601 Servers 0 Votes
Type rt!commands in a channel for all the commands You can also ping Retro King for the prefix and the commands Moderation commands rt!ban (user) (reason) - Ban someone rt!kick (user) (reason) - Kick someone rt!mute (user) - Mute someo
Type rt!commands in a channel for all the commands
You can also ping Retro King for the prefix and the commands
Moderation commands
rt!ban (user) (reason) - Ban someone
rt!kick (user) (reason) - Kick someone
rt!mute (user) - Mute someone
rt!unmute (user) - Unmute someone
rt!warn (user) (reason) - Warn someone
rt!warnings (user) - See all the warn(s) of a user
rt!clear (number) - Clear a number of message(s)
Support commands
rt!support - The support server
rt!creator - The creator of the bot and the server
rt!social - Social networks of the creator
rt!website - The website of Retro King
rt!vote - Vote for Retro King on top.gg
rt!twitter - The official twitter of King Developement
Information commands
rt!server - Full server information
rt!members - Number of member(s) in the server
rt!servericon - The server icon
rt!icon - Your icon
rt!owner - The owner of the server
Funny commands
rt!search meme - Meme command (imgur)
rt!search (category picture name) - Search a picture (imgur)
rt!king - The king of the server
rt!me - Who are you ?
rt!pepe - Generate random pepe/peepo picture
rt!say (message) - make the bot say what you want
rt!translate (language to translate) (message) - Translate a message
rt!top - A top 10 of the most cool bot on discord
rt!rickroll - You have been rick rolled
rt!ok - Just ok
rt!bruh - Just bruh
rt!cool - Are you cool or no ?
rt!tableflip - Flip the table
rt!unflip - Unflip the table
Other commands
rt!ping - The ping of the server and bot
rt!twitch (twitch channel) - Search a twitch channel
rt!youtube (video name) - Search a youtube video
rt!suggest (suggestion) - Suggest something
rt!invite - The invite to add retro king on server(s)
rt!tos - Discord ToS
rt!pfp - Want the same pfp of Retro King ?
rt!about - About Retro King
rt!verify - When Retro King gonna be verified ?
rt!music - If the music command is disabled / enabled
rt!urban [word] - Search a definition of a word on urban
rt!goal - The goal of Retro King
rt!cool - Are you cool or no ?
rt!badge - Badge list (information)
rt!memeslist - Memes list to create a meme
rt!creatememe (#id) text1, text2 - Create a meme
rt!premium - Want to buy Retro King premium ?
rt!status (new status) - change the status of Retro King (premium user only)
Auto moderation
Delete automatically n word message [ignore admin - bot]
Thanks for using Retro King !
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Retro King Discord bot is in 601 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add Retro King on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Retro King bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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