5,260 Servers 3 Votes
GiveawayBot The giveaway bot is an easy-to-use bot to manage giveaways and drops in your server! You need at least `Manage Channel` permissions in order to use the giveaway commands. Change the language using !setlanguage or change the prefix us
The giveaway bot is an easy-to-use bot to manage giveaways and drops in your server!
You need at least Manage Channel
permissions in order to use the giveaway commands.
Change the language using !setlanguage or change the prefix using !setprefix.
If you need help, join the Support Server: https://discord.gg/EKjkzdq
List of all commands: !help
!setlanguage en, de or pl - Changes the bot's language to English, German / Deutsch or Polish / Polska
!start 5h 2w Fancy hoodie - Starts a new giveaway for a fancy hoodie that ends in 5 hours and has 2 winners
!create - Starts a new giveaway using the interactive setup which supports adding requirements to join the giveaway
!end [messageID] - Ends a giveaway before the time is up
!reroll messageID - Selects a new winner
!drop prize - Creates a new drop (who ever reacts first to the message wins)
!edit messageID winners/length/prize newValue - Edits an ongoing giveaway
!list [inactive] - Sends a list of all giveaways / inactive giveaways
!giveaways - Lists all giveaways that a user has entered
!command enable/disable command - Enables/disables a command that is not needed for the bot in order to work
!setprefix newPrefix - Changes the bot's prefix
!setrole roleID or @role - Sets a additional role that has permission to manage giveaways
!config - Shows the bot settings for your server
!help - Sends a list of all commands with a description
!invite - Sends the invite for this bot (in DMs)
!support - Sends the invite for the support server (in DMs)
!id object - Get the ID of a user/role/textchannel
... many more! Use !help in your server to see them all!
Parameter - mandatory
[Parameter] - optional
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
GiveawayBot Discord bot is in 5,260 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.
To add GiveawayBot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the GiveawayBot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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