

219 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 219
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 3 years ago

Dynamo Discord Bot

Dynamo Reboot! Q: What is Dynamo Reboot? A: Dynamo Reboot is the New Version of Dynamo. Dynamo has changed from a very basic bot to Something Amazing. General Commands: - d!help -> Displays Bot Help Menu - d!invite -> Sends Bots

Dynamo Reboot!

Q: What is Dynamo Reboot? A: Dynamo Reboot is the New Version of Dynamo. Dynamo has changed from a very basic bot to Something Amazing.

General Commands:
- d!help -> Displays Bot Help Menu
- d!invite -> Sends Bots Invite Link
- d!avatar [Mention User] -> Shows users avatar.
- d!support -> Sends bot support server
- d!fun -> Show's All the fun commands
- d!utility -> Shows all the utility commands
- d!prefix -> Shows the bots prefix
- d!poll [Question] -> Creats a poll
Help Commands
- d!help -> Displays Bot Help Menu
- d!status -> Shows what the status's Mean
- d!fun -> Shows all fun commands
- d!utility -> Shows all utility commands
Utility Commands
- d!kick [User] [Reason] -> Kicks A user from your Server
- d!ban [User] [Reason] -> Bans A user from your Server
- An UnBan Command is about to come!
- d!nickname [User] [Name] -> Sets user's nickname!
- d!clear [Number] -> Deletes Messgaes
- d!lock -> Locks a Channel.
- Warn & Mute commands Are Coming to the bot (They are made but the Hosting service does not store the info)
Server Commands
- d!serverinfo -> Displays server info
- d!welcome -> Sends a welcome message
- d!emoji -> Shows server emojis
Fun Commands
- d!coinflip [Heads or Tails] -> Flips a virtual coin
- d!guessthenumber [Number from 0-50] -> Guesses a Random Number
- d!8ball [Question] -> An 8ball
- d!quote1 -> Displays a quote
- d!pp [User] -> Estimates Something....
Discord Badge Information
- d!badges [Displays all discord badges]
- d!bstaff -> Shows Staff Badge & Info
- d!bpso -> Partnered Server owner badge & Info
- d!bhs -> HypeSquad events & Info
- d!bhsh -> HypeSquad Houses & Info
- d!bnitro -> Nitro Bage & Info
- d!besr -> Early Supporter Badge & Info
- d!bevbd -> Early Verified Bot Developer Badge & Info
- All Giveaways Are Suspended
- d!giveaway [Time] [Prize]
- Giveaway Reroll Command coming soon!
Command Errors
- When using certain commands you may get error messages. The messages will tell you what's wrong so just try again.

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
3 years ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

Dynamo Discord bot is in 219 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.

To add Dynamo on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Dynamo bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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