154 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 154
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 4 years ago

XPizzaMCX-BOT Discord Bot

XPizzaMCX-BOT XPizzaMCX-BOT is a new fun, utility, moderation bot with more features coming. XPizzaMCX-BOT has a logging system that logs deleted messages. The bot also has suggestion commands to let users suggest things your server! The bot has


XPizzaMCX-BOT is a new fun, utility, moderation bot with more features coming. XPizzaMCX-BOT has a logging system that logs deleted messages.
The bot also has suggestion commands to let users suggest things your server! The bot has a ticket system for users to contact staff when needed.
XPizzaMCX-BOT also has config commands. These config commands are setlogs and setsuggest. XPizzaMCX-BOT has moderation commands like nickname, ban, kick,
setslowmode, settopic, setname(set name of channel your in | command is still in work beware).


The developers of the bot necessarily don't speak the same language so some commands maybe a little od. Like some commands not saying anything about permisions or any message for permissions.
As the one writing this is J_DDev#9034 since he speaks fluent english compared to the person he is working with. It may seem like the kick does not permission check when a user without permissions uses it but it does.
So please beware that we are trying hard to make things better for the bot.

Privacy Policy

At this very moment of writing this we currently do not store data. We will soon be starting. This kind of data will be stored in a mongodb database as soon as we start collecting data.
We will be storing data to keep track of things like warnings for warn commands and soon collection of setup configurations. We are not planning on storing guild data when the bot joins. We will also not be tracking what guilds the bot joins since we are trying to keep the bot as low weight as possible.
For right now the data that will soon be stored will only be stored for 24 hours. That data we are talking about is the data for the future warn commands. The other data is the setup configurations. We right now don't store that data but soon will. Things like prefix data will also be stored to let users save and change the prefix of the bot. Prefix and setup configurations will be stored as long as it has to unless the user requests us to delete that kind of data.
The users will need to join are support server and request an admin to delete this data. That data will be deleted after 10 days after that user has requested a deletion. The support server link can be found in the help command of the bot.

https://discord.gg/NYJmG5CYzm To join are support server!

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
4 years ago
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Frequently asked questions

XPizzaMCX-BOT Discord bot is in 154 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.

To add XPizzaMCX-BOT on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the XPizzaMCX-BOT bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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