23 Servers 0 Votes
About: Cattabot is a decent moderation and meme bot made from the ground up. <br> Commands: `cat!help` is the first command you'll use. It gets the help in a nice, small embed.<br> `cat!meme` gets a random meme on re
Cattabot is a decent moderation and meme bot made from the ground up. &lt;br&gt;
is the first command you'll use. It gets the help in a nice, small embed.&lt;br&gt;
gets a random meme on reddit. (r/meme, r/dankmeme, r/wholesomememe)&lt;br&gt;
gets a random dog.&lt;br&gt;
gets a random cat.&lt;br&gt;
no additional info.&lt;br&gt;
gets info about a user as well as their roles.&lt;br&gt;
warns a user for doing something. This will send them a DM.&lt;br&gt;
kicks a user from a guild.&lt;br&gt;
bans a user from a guild.&lt;br&gt;
gives a user a role.&lt;br&gt;
it's like cat!giverole but it removes it instead.&lt;br&gt;
The bot needs Embed links
permission to work.&lt;br&gt;
If Cattabot is going to be your main modbot, you can give the bot the Administrator permission so the bot works best.&lt;br&gt;
For users to use moderation commands, that user needs Administrator
permission. Anything else will work with any permission.&lt;br&gt;
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Cattabot Discord bot is in 23 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add Cattabot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Cattabot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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