46,767 Servers 0 Votes
OcelotBOT is a general purpose tool and meme bot. You can find the command list below, or in discord using !help Command Name Usage - (Without the brackets) Magic 8-ball: !8ball [question] Achievement Get!: !achievement [text] Wise Adv
OcelotBOT is a general purpose tool and meme bot.
You can find the command list below, or in discord using !help
Command Name Usage - (Without the brackets)
Magic 8-ball: !8ball [question]
Achievement Get!: !achievement [text]
Wise Advice: !advice
Artifical Intelligence: !ai [message]
Apex Stats: !apex [platform] [player]
User Avatar: !avatar [@User]
B-ify: !b [url]
Band Name Generator: !bandname
Barcode Generator: !barcode [text]
So Sad Meme: !beatmywife [url]
Bernie Meme: !bernie [text]
Big Text Generator: !bigtext [text]
Birthdays List: !birthday help/@user/add/list
Bulge Image: !bulge [url]
Calculator: !calc [sum]
Chess: !chess start [@player]/[move]
Chinese Text: !chinese [text]
Christmas Countdown: !christmas
Clap Text: !clap [text]
Colour Code: !colour [code]
Command Count: !commandcount
Compliment [NSFW]: !compliment [person]
Crop Image: !crop [URL]
Crush: !crush [user or url]
Curse Image: !curse [url]
Deepdream Image: !deepdream [url]
Deepfry: !deepfry [url]
Dictionary Lookup: !define [word]
Urban Dictionary: !defineud [word]
Dictator Meme: !dictator [user or url]
Doot Doot: !doot
Edgy Text: !edgy [text]
Emoji Search: !emoji [term]
Enhance Image: !enhance [url]
This is epic meme: !epic [url]
Error Message Generator: !error [message]
Expand: !expand [word]
Red Eyes: !eyes [url or @user]
Face Recognition: !face [url] or embed
Leave Feedback: !feedback [message]
Ocelot Premium: !premium
Fire Text Generator: !firetext [text]
Coin Flip: !flip
Fortnite Stats: !fortnite [platform] [player]
Friendship ended with: !friendship [@user1] [@user2]
Halloween Countdown: !halloween
Handicapped Meme: !handicap [text]
Harry Potter Text Generator: !potter [text]
Help Command: !help [command]
Patient Says: !patient [text]
Ice Text Generator: !icetext [text]
Identify Image: !identify [URL]
Google Image Search: !image [text]
Imitate User: !imitate [@user] [message]
Implode Image: !implode [url]
Insult Generator: !insult [person]
Bot Invite Link: !invite
IP Info: !ipinfo [ip]
Jesus Meme: !jesus [text]
JPEG-ify: !jpeg [url]
Available Languages: !languages
Last Crash: !lastcrash
Love Text Generator: !lovetext [text]
Mafia Boss: !mafia [@user1] [@user2]
Maxi Code Generator: !maxi [text]
Meme: !meme help
Mirror Image: !mirror [url]
Monochrome Image: !monochrome [url]
Morse Code Generator: !morse [text]
Music Streaming: !music help/play/skip
New Nickname Generator: !newnick
Noot Noot: !noot
Number Fact: !numberfact [number]
Omegle: !omegle [start/end]
Opinion on [NSFW]: !opinion [person]
Strong Opinions Meme: !opinions [text]
Overlay Images: !overlay [image1] [image2]
Oil Painting: !paint [url]
Peter State: !peterstate
Ping Address: !ping [address] [timeout]
Playing stats: !playing [game]
Poll: !poll [option 1, option 2, option 3...]
Porn Suggest [NSFW]: !pornsuggest [search]
User Profile: !profile help
QR Code Generator: !qr [text]
Rate: !rate [thing]
Recolour Image: !recolour [url]
Reminders: !remind [in] "[message]"
Remove Background: !removebg [URL]
Ronald Says: !ronald [text] ®
Rotate Image: !rotate [url] [deg]
Rule34 Search [NSFW]: !rule34 [search]
Screenshot Website: !screenshot [URL]
Source Server Info: !serverinfo [ip:port]
Bot Settings: !settings help/set/list/enableCommand/disableCommand
Sexy Dice [NSFW]: !sexydice
Sexy Singles: !sexysingle [@user or url]
Sharpen Image: !sharpen [url]
Ship Generator: !ship [@user1] [@user2] ...
Shy Meme: !shy [text]
Snapchat Text: !snapchat [url] [text]
Snapcode Generator: !snapcode [username]
We live in a society meme: !society [url]
Guess The Song: !guess [stop/stats/leaderboard]
Spell with Reactions: !spell [^] [send]
Spoilerise Text: !spoiler [text]
Spongebob: !spongebob [text]
Spook: !spook [user]
Spread Image: !spread [url]
Stats: !stats
Image Stolen From: !stolenfrom [url]
Swirl Image: !swirl [url]
Tic Tac Toe: !tictactoe start [@player]/[grid position]
Tile Images: !tile [image1] [image2]
Time: !time [timezone]
Trim Image: !trim [url]
Trivia: !trivia leaderboard monthly
Unshorten URL: !unshorten [url]
User Info: !user [@User]
User Settings: !usersettings help/set/list/enableCommand/disableCommand
User Stats: !userstats [user]
Vote For OcelotBOT: !vote
Wave Image: !wave [url]
Weather: !weather [place]
Weedsim: !weed [command]
Wikipedia Search: !wiki [term]
Zork: !zork [text]
Zalgo Text: !zalgo [text]
Zoom Image: !zoom [url]
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
OcelotBOT Discord bot is in 46,767 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.
To add OcelotBOT on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the OcelotBOT bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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