


1,847 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 1,847
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Music
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

Deejay Discord Bot

# DEEJAY - Music Like Never Before ## Supported Streaming Platforms YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Vimeo, Deezer, Tidal, Reverbnation, Facebook, discord attachment links also & **[700+ more](

# DEEJAY - Music Like Never Before

## Supported Streaming Platforms

YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Vimeo, Deezer, Tidal, Reverbnation, Facebook, discord attachment links also & 700+ more sites links supported

## Reaction Controls

1)⏭️ Skip to the next song.

2)⏮️ Back to the previous song.

3)⏯️ Pause/Resume the song.

4)🔉 Volume down 10 %

5)🔊 Volume up 10 %

6)⏪ Rewind 10 Seconds

7)⏩ Forward 10 seconds

8)🔁 Switch between the loop modes.(song, queue, off)

9)↩️ Restart the song

10)🎶 On/Off autoplay

11)🔀 Shuffle the queue.

12)⏹ Stop then leave the voice channel

## Music Commands

addrelated: Add a related song of the playing song to the queue.

autoplay: Toogles to autoplay recommend songs after queue end.

back: Backs to the previous song

back <amount> Backs that amount of songs.

clearqueue: Clears the current queue.

filter toogle <filterName>: Toogles a audio filter.

filter reset: Removes/ reset all applied audio filters.

filter show: Shows all audio filters.

forward [mm:ss]: Seeks forward in the current song.

jump <index>: Jump to a specific track in the queue.

loop mode: Shows current set loop mode.

loop queue: Loop the queue.

loop track: Repeat the currently playing song.

loop off: Turn looping off.

lyrics [song name]: Get lyrics for a song.

move top <index>: Move the selected song to the top in the queue.

move last: Move the last track in the queue to the top.

move track <from> <to>: Move the selected song to the provided position in the queue.

nowplaying: Shows the currently playing song.

npchannel [#channel]: Change the playing song announce channel.

pause: Pauses the music playback.

play <song url/name>: Play a song or playlist from url or name

play <song url/name> --next: Enqueue the provided song next(top) in the queue.

play <song url/name> --skip: Skips the current and plays the provided song instantly.

queue: Shows the queue.

queue <page>: Show a specific page of the queue.

remove track <index>: Removes that specific track from the queue.

remove range <start> <end>: Removes a range of tracks from the queue.

remove doubles: Remove duplicate songs from the queue.

replay: Replays the currently playing song from beginning

resume: Resumes the paused music.

rewind [mm:ss]: Seeks backward/rewinds in the current song.

search <song name> [type]: Search by a song name and choose to play

seek <mm:ss>: Seeks to a specific position in the current song.

shuffle mix: Mix shuffles the queue

shuffle reverse: Reverse suffles the queue.

shuffle fair: Shuffles fairly between users.

shuffle range <start> [end]: Shuffles a range of tracks in the queue

skip: Skips the current song

skip <amount>: Skips that amount of songs.

songinfo <index>: Shows information of a specific song.

speed <1x-4x>: Sets the music playback speed.

stop: Stops the playback and leave.

swap <track1> <track2>: Swap position between two songs in the queue

trending: Search trending music on YouTube, then choose to play

volume: Check the current playback volume.

volume <1-200>: Change the playback volume.

voteskip: Let’s you vote for skipping the current track.

## Audio Filters

bassboost <level(off|low|medium|high|extreme|earrape)>: Sets the bassboost filter

nightcore: Apply the nightcore filter.

pitch <level(off|low|medium|high)>: Sets the pitch level

#### Others Filters
3d, bassboost, chorus, earwax, echo, flanger, gate, haas, karaoke, mcompand, nightcore, normalizer, phaser, pitch, pulsator, reverse, subboost, surround, treble, tremolo, vaporwave, vibrato

## Utility Commands
botinfo: Shows info about the bot

faq: Some frequently asked questions about Deejay and their answers

help: Shows the help commands menu

help <command>: Shows detailed info about that command

invite: Get the bot’s invite link

ping: show the bot response speed

privacy: Deejay privacy policy

support: Get the discord support server link

tos: Deejay’s terms of service

uptime: Returns the uptime of the bot

## Activity Channels

betrayal [#channel]: Make a betrayal voice channel.

chess [#channel]: Make a voice channel.

fishing [#channel]: Make a voice channel.

poker [#channel]: Make a pokernight voice channel.

youtube [#channel]: Starts a youtube watch together session.

## Admin Commands (Server Settings)
>>> User needs Administrator permission to use this command.

ban <@role>: Blacklist a role from using this bot

disable <command>: Disable a command on this guild

enable <command>: Enable a disabled command on this guild

prefix: Shows or set the guild prefix

unban <@role>: Unblacklist a role and allow to use this bot

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
2 years ago
Bot ID
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Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

Deejay Discord bot is in 1,847 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add Deejay on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

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