40 Servers 0 Votes
Discord bot with the main feature of automatically detecting languages and translating to languages based on Reaction Messages
Discord bot with the main feature of automatically detecting languages and translating to languages based on Reaction Messages
With this bot, users can easily translate messages into different languages to improve communication in Discord
>> Just React Any Message From user With any flags Reaction , then Bot will Translate it automatically
### Support Server https://discord.gg/YZWRwETzFU
List Command
## /set-translate-channel
- Define the channel where the bot works to translate messages to the inputted language based on reactions , Max Channels input = 5 Channels
## /set-translate-status
- set Translator Works on server , Default is ON, or when you add new channel with /set-translate-channel command , bot will auto change status to ON
## /set-autodelete-unreact
- Automatically delete translated messages if they are unreacted by the person who reacted the first time. Default is OFF
## /settings
- Show All Settings
## /help
- Show list all commands
Before setting any channel with /set-translate-channel . It is expected to do this setting for bot role permissions in channels, by entering Bot Role (Translator Role) and Allow View Channels and also Allow Manage Permission
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ichsanulaulia/Translator/main/img/Screenshot%202024-05-01%20174516.png" alt="Setup Guide">
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AutoTranslate Discord bot is in 40 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 9 months ago.
To add AutoTranslate on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the AutoTranslate bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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