16 Servers 2 Votes
Music, Moderation, Mini-Game, Mod-Log and more.
New Command: /lang "TR/EN"
Default LANG: TR
Owner: ErenHizm
- Music Commands
/play >> Plays the Music You Specify.
/stop >> Shows the money in your account.
/pause >> Pauses the currently playing Song.
/resume >> Resumes the paused Song.
/volume >> Set Song Volume.
/queue >> Song Queue Show.
/loop >> Start Song Loop.
- Economy Commands
/eco - Administrator Command.
/money - Show money earning.
/money-give - Gives Money to the User.
/show - Shows the store.
/shop #<item_id> for Item/Item Field
What does this do?
Your Level Increases Every Time You Shop.
Shop Discounted with CashBack. (Soon)
- User Commands
/avatar >> View Your or Another User's Profile Photo.
/help >> View Help Menu.
/vctime >> Shows the Time You Spent on Voice.
- Admin Commands
Ban User
/ban >> Ban the person you specify.
/unban >> Unban the person you specify.
/kick >> Kick the person you specify.
- Game Commands
Explosion Game
How to Play Boom?
Players count starting from one and each player says a number. Players should note that for numbers that are five and multiples of five (i.e. 5-10-15-20, etc.) they should say BOM instead of saying the numbers.
Counting Game
How to Play Counting?
Players continue counting by saying the numbers in turn, starting at once.
Word Game (only TR)
/word game
How to Play Derived Words?
Players Create a Word Starting with the Last Letter.
Auto-Logg - Help Menu
/welcome - Notify When a User Comes to the Server!
/channel_create - Notify Me When a Channel is Created on the Server!
/channel_delete - Notify me when a channel is deleted on the server!
/channel_update - I Report Voice Channels Inputs and Outputs.
/message_delete - Notify Me When Messages Are Deleted on the Server!
/message_edit - Notify Me When a Message Is Edited on the Server!
/user_update - Notify When User is Updated on Server!
/user_voiceupdate - Notify When User Joins/Leaves Voice on Server!
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Rexaly Discord bot is in 16 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 10 months ago.
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