56 Servers 2 Votes
Nordy stands as a unified bot, setting you apart from the bot crowd, while seamlessly integrating all your necessities into one cohesive exp
### 📡 Advanced Dashboard
- Manage your servers and make your server-specific settings!
- Make custom adjustments easy!
### 🛑 Powerful Moderation:
- Moderation Commands Commands: ban
, unban
, timeout
, voice moderation
, deafen
, move
, warn
, setnick
, ...
- Multi-Function Purge Commands. Commands: purge
, purge attach
, purge bots
, purge links
, purge token
, purge user
, ...
### 🤖 Auto Moderation:
- Anti system Commands: anti ghostping
, anti spam
, anti massmention
, ...
- Auto Delete system Commands: autodelete attachments
, autodelete invites
, autodelete links
, autodelete maxlines
, ...
- AutoMod system Commands: automod status
, automod strikes
, automod action
, automod debug
, automod whitelist
, ...
### âš™ï¸ Admin Configuration:
- Let a bot be the server's assistant! Commands: autorole
, farewell
, welcome
, counters
, flag translation
, reaction roles
, ...
- Make custom settings for your own server. Commands: setprefix
, maxwarns
, modlog
### 💠Information Gathering:
- User Context Interactions
- Advanced Information Get deep information about a user, channel, role, etc.
### 🎵 Music:
- LossLess Music! Enjoy high quality lossless music
- Multi-Platform Play music from YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, and more
- Filters Apply filters to your music and spice it up
### 🎉 Giveaways:
- Easy to use Create giveaways with ease
- Role specific giveaways
- Customizable Customize the giveaway to your liking
- Limitless Create unlimited giveaways
### 🫂 Social Content:
- You Have A CV In Each Server-Specific Bot!Commands: rep
, rep view
- Do You Love Someone? Commands: rep give
### 🎟 Ticket System:
- Make Supporting Members A Breeze With Tickets! Highly customizable ticket system with staff roles
- Multiple Categories Don't Want The Tickets To Be Everywhere? Categorize them using select menus
### 📉 Stats Tracking:
- Levelling Track your server's activity with a level system
- Leaderboards See who is the most active user in your server
- Customizable System Configure the levelup message, rank cards to your liking
### 🙋 Suggestions:
- Get Suggestions From Server Members To Help Your Server Become The Best! Commands: suggest
, suggestion
- Accept Or Decline The Suggestions And Customize Them To The Max!Commands: suggestion status
, suggestion channel
, suggestion appch
, suggestion rejch
, suggestion approve
, suggestion staffadd
, suggestion staffremove
### âš’ï¸ Utility Commands:
- Need Some Help With Something? Use The Utility Commands To Find Out The Answer To It Commands: bigemoji
, covid
, pokedex
, urban
, weather
, ...
- Need Help With Some More Stuff?Commands: help
, proxies
, translate
, paste
, ...
### â Anime Content:
- Love Anime? Express You Love To Someone Using The React Commands Commands: react
, hug
, kiss
, cuddle
, pat
, poke
, slap
, smug
, ...
### 🪙 Economy System:
- Want To Become Richest? Use The Economy Commands! Commands: bank
, daily
, beg
, gamble
- Give People Money, Check Your Balance, Or Just Flex? Commands: bank balance
, bank deposit
, bank withdraw
, bank transfer
, ...
### 😠Fun Commands:
- Have Some Fun In Your Server! Commands: animal
, facts
, meme
, flip
, ...
- Play Games And Enjoy Yourself Commands: snake
, together
, flip coin
, flip text
, ...
### 📨 Invite Tracking:
- Track who has been inviting people to your server!
- Invite Ranks! Inviter can get awesome rewards and be recognised
- Configure these settings and customize them to your liking! Commands: resetinvites
, addinvites
, invitesimport
, inviterank
### 📷 Image Manipulation:
- Customize other peoples avatars Commands: blur
, greyscale
, invert
, pixelate
, blur
, sepia
, sharpen
, ad
, affect
, beautiful
, color
- Make some images by yourself or make some art Commands: bobross
, confusedstonk
, delete
, facepalm
, hitler
, jail
, jokeoverhead
, karaba
, mms
, notstonk
, poutine
, rainbow
, rip
, shit
, stonk
, tatoo
, thomas
, trash
, wanted
, wasted
, ...
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Nordy★ Discord bot is in 56 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 11 months ago.
To add Nordy★ on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Nordy★ bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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