40 Servers 0 Votes
The All-in-One Discord bot! Give your members a better experience with levels, xp, rewards, moderation, logs, economy, games and much more!
Clueless Features
Clueless is a powerful and versatile Discord bot that aims to enhance your server experience. With an array of exciting features, Clueless offers everything you need to create a vibrant and engaging community, with over 400+ commands.
Leveling 🆙
Gamify your server with a rewarding leveling system.
Members earn experience and climb the ranks by participating. Boost your server's retention!
Unlock special perks and roles as they level up.
Moderation 🛡ï¸
Keep your server safe with advanced moderation tools using Discord AutoMod.
Set up AutoMod to manage spam and offensive content.
Manage roles, bans, kicks, and warnings efficiently.
Music 🎵
Play the music you want!
Even 24/7 live radio
Games 🎮
Play a lot of custome coded games in your sevrer!
This include: snake, counting, casino, blackjack, music trivia and so much more!
Custom Commands âš™ï¸
Personalize your server with custom commands.
Create commands for server information, greetings, and more.
Tailor Arcane to fit your community's unique needs.
Reaction Roles ðŸ‘
Simplify role assignment with reaction roles.
Members can easily pick roles by reacting to messages.
Streamline user experience and server organization.
Welcome Messages 🌈
Make new members feel at home with custom welcome messages.
Greet newcomers with warm and personalized messages.
Set the right tone for a friendly and welcoming community.
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Clueless Discord bot is in 40 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 11 months ago.
To add Clueless on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Clueless bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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