


6,700 Servers 820 Votes

  • Servers: 6,700
  • Monthly Votes: 820
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 1 month ago

Wamellow Discord Bot

Engage with leaderboards, starboards, and welcoming atmosphere. Dive into anime discussions, enjoy free /image AI and unleash the power of Text-To-Speech.

All the features are free, even those without (free), just as a reminder.

## 👀 Features

- Custom welcomer (8+ options)
- Custom byer (4+ options)
- Starboard (10+ options)
- Captcha verification (open preview)
- Rank cards (Custom background & colors)
- Text to Speech, Chat to Speech, TTS (40+ custom voices, 8+ languages, watch tutorial)
- Message, Voice, Invite tracking
- Image and Web leaderboards (open preview)
- Ai image generation (free, including nsfw, view all models)
- Anime command (free, including nsfw)
- NSFW image moderation (free)
- Custom commands aka tags
- Dashboard (wamellow.com/dashboard)

## 🔊 Text to Speech

It's crucial for people with speech impairments. It ensures inclusivity and allows everyone to participate fully, promoting accessibility and community engagement. ❤️

You can either generate files using /tts file, talk in voice chats with /tts voice or setup a dedicated channel! Great for people with aphonia, dysphonia, or other speech impairments. (like me)

Supporting English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian and Japanese, Korean.

tts example

## ❤️ Free /image AI

Summon the enchantment of AI-generated images to your Discord server with our versatile /image command, featuring over 40 distinct custom models. Elevate your server to a haven for unique and dynamic AI-generated images, ensuring a delightful experience for all enthusiasts of the digital arts.

Like if you want to - for example - generate a anime girl with some properties, you can use:
/image query: anime girl, purple hairs, small, close up, night, bloom

ai examples

## 🎉 All the commands
All the commands you can use, please note that Wamellow uses discord's "new" Slash (/) commands and not text-based commands.

| Command | Description |
| /afk | Let other users know that you're away when they ping you. |
| /anime | この意味は誰にもわからないだろう。とにかく、あなたのワイフを楽しんでください。 |
| /debug | View some stats and debug information of the bot. |
| /duck | duck |
| /help | Learn more about how I work and what I do. |
| /image | Create an image using a custom ai |
| /info | Get informations and stats about a user. |
| /leaderboard | List the top members from the current guild in message count, voice time or invites. |
| /rank | View your or someone elses activity in this server. |
| /tts | Let me speak in a voice chat using text to speech or I just give you a simple file. |
| /vote | Vote for the bot! uwu
| wm avatar | View your or someone else's avatar

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 month ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

Wamellow Discord bot is in 6,700 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 month ago.

To add Wamellow on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Wamellow bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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