


661 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 661
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Music
  • Bumped: 11 months ago

Splore Discord Bot

Splore is a AI support and search bot designed to make managing your server more effortless.

<h3 style="color:#27A1B4;"> What is Splore </h3>
<h4> Splore makes managing FAQs and searching for content inside your server effortless.
<h4 style="color:#27A1B4;"> Features of the Splore bot: </h4>

- AI Question & Answer Style:
Splore utilizes advanced AI technology to provide accurate and efficient question and answer-style (chat) responses. You can rely on the bot to understand your queries and deliver comprehensive answers. Splore helps you answer your members' questions & FAQs by sourcing answers from within your server or from external sources you choose.

- Search Anywhere, Inside and Outside Discord:
Splore goes beyond Discord's limitations by allowing you to search across forums, threads in your server. You can access information from the public web without leaving the comfort of your Discord interface too.

- Search Operators and Autocorrection:
Splore supports search operators like "+", "-", and "" for more precise and refined searches. Autocorrection helps you find accurate results even with minor spelling errors.

More features and functions to come soon!

With Splore, your users can quickly find the information they need. Best of all, it’s free!

<h3 style="color:#27A1B4;"> Why Splore's search is better </h3>

<a href="https://directus.app.splore.com/assets/754ef762-8ed9-4c88-9a70-095a0205c06f.png"><img src="https://directus.app.splore.com/assets/754ef762-8ed9-4c88-9a70-095a0205c06f.png" alt="Splore Discord search bot" width="700" height="333" border="0" /></a>


<a href="https://gifyu.com/image/Sgc3N"><img src="https://s11.gifyu.com/images/Sgc3N.gif" alt="Splore logo Animation" width="700" height="333" border="0" /></a>

<h4 style="color:#27A1B4;"> Other Benefits: </h4>
<h5><i> Grow your community </i></h5>
<p>Grow your community through SEO and content discovery outside Discord. Help them find out about your community through its content.</p>

Other benefits of using Splore include enhanced user engagement and non-intrusive permissions. Splore respects user privacy by maintaining non-intrusive permissions.

<h4 style="color:#27A1B4;"> Installation instructions: </h4>

<li> After installing Splore, give the bot 5-10 minutes to process your channels, and then poof it's ready! </li>
<li> Join our support channel on discord if you are facing issues with the Splore bot or want to suggest feedback for improvement at <a href="https://discord.com/invite/uewvbEWQJc"> Splore Support Server </a> </li>

<h5> Wanna be part of the Splore community? Join <a href="https://discord.gg/X4kCnE2cbF"> <span style="color:#45b6fe;"> https://discord.gg/X4kCnE2cbF </span></a></h5>
<h5> Curious to know more? We're on <a href="https://www.splore.com"> <span style="color:#45b6fe;"> https://www.splore.com </span></a> </h5>

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
11 months ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

Splore Discord bot is in 661 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 11 months ago.

To add Splore on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Splore bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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