


3,920 Servers 111 Votes

  • Servers: 3,920
  • Monthly Votes: 111
  • Category: NSFW
  • Bumped: 3 weeks ago

♱🌈𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕒✨ Discord Bot

Enhance images, games, SFW/NSFW . Emojis without nitro, Block spam links, and bad words. Chat between servers or in dm and more....

🚨!!Features Overview
● Block Links/Bad Words: Maintain a clean environment by filtering out unwanted content.
● Phone Calls: Enhanced version for better communication between servers.
● New Commands: Enjoy added functionality with recent updates.
● Chat Features: Inter-server communication with no time limits, including visible images and stickers, except for Discord invites.

Commands and Functionalities Emoji and Sticker Usage

🏠 Animated Emojis from Different Servers:
● Use animated emojis from various servers without needing Nitro.
● Use animated emojis from your own server by choosing it from buttons.

Welcome/Goodbye setup
● Easy to set up commands to add welcome and goodbye messages with a pretty embed already made for you. You only need to add the links and ids of some channels and it's all done

Communication Commands

📞 New Communication Commands:
● Contact Bot Owner: Directly send messages or chat with the bot owner for error reports or suggestions.
● Chat with Random Users: Initiate conversations with random users from different servers via the bot you can even send images , emojis or attachments on all call commands.
● Chat with Random Users on dm: Initiate direct messages (DMs) with random users from different servers via the bot you can then private chat with a user through bot’s dm.

NSFW Commands

🔞 NSFW Commands:
● Over 100 NSFW commands including hentai and porngifs.
● NSFW Channel Restriction: These commands can only be used in NSFW channels.
● Games and Interactions: 18+ truth or dare, quizzes, Genshin NSFW, roleplays, memes, stickers, and more.
Relationship Commands

💑 Relationship Management:
● Establish Relationships: Commands to marry, adopt, befriend, or have pets.
● End Relationships: Commands for divorce/breakup, disown, unfriend, or abandon.
● Status Commands: Check relationship status with commands like married/love, adopted, friends/befriended, pet/owned.
Shop and Inventory

🛒 Shop and Inventory Management:
● View Shop: Use +anya shop to view and buy various items.
● Inventory Management: Manage your inventory with +anya inventory/inv.

Earning Cash

💵 Earning and Managing Cash:
● Gambling: Gamble with coinflip, slots, and coinchoose.
● Daily Claims: Use +anya daily/dc for daily cash (first claim awards 50k cash).
● Balance Check: Check your balance with +anya balance/bal.
● Give Cash: Transfer cash to others with +anya give @user amount.

Stealing Cash

💵 Stealing and ProtectingCash:
● Deposit: Deposited cash cannot be stolen since it’s protected in the bank.
● Withdraw: To be able to purchase or use the cash you will need to withdraw it from the bank.
● Bank Balance Check: Check your balance inside the bank with +anya bank.
● Steal Cash: Steal cash from someone (you can only steal from 1 user every 5 hours) and even if you fail to steal you can keep trying till you are able to steal from one user.

Pet Battles

🐾 Pet Battle System:
● Buy Pets: Purchase pets from +anya petshop or special events with +anya specialpetshop.
● Team Creation: Create teams with +anya create team and add pets using +anya add team itemname.
● Pet Battles: Battle other users with your pets for fun and rewards.
● Showcase Pets: Display your pets to others in the server.

Image Editing and Moderation

🎨 Image Editing:
● Edit images with high-quality commands to unlock your creativity.

🛡️ Moderation Features:
● Block Links: Prevent unwanted links from being shared like spam links (Links of gifs and images will not be deleted ) .
● Block Link for a user: You can use command to block a user from sending any links at all .
● Bad Word Filter: Filter out bad words to maintain a positive environment.
● Suspend: To prevent a user from viewing any channels at all unless unsuspended. It will also create a channel named suspended which is the only channel the suspended user can view to chat with moderators .
● Voice Suspend: To prevent a user from viewing any Voice channels at all till unsuspended.

Entertainment Features

🎮 NSFW, SFW, Roleplays, Memes, Stickers, and 18+ Truth or Dares:
● NSFW Games and Commands: Extensive high quality NSFW contents including from some games .
● Roleplays: Engage in both NSFW and SFW roleplays.
● Truth or Dare: Enjoy both normal and 18+ truth or dare challenges.

Getting Started

Bot Prefix: The prefix for all commands is +. For example, to get help, use +anyahelp.

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
3 weeks ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

♱🌈𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕒✨ Discord bot is in 3,920 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 weeks ago.

To add ♱🌈𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕒✨ on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the ♱🌈𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕒✨ bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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