Grandeur Bot

Grandeur Bot

162 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 162
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Economy
  • Bumped: 3 years ago

Grandeur Bot Discord Bot

Grandeur Bot Hello! Grandeur Bot is a new bot working to impress its users, and give people their basic server needs. This bot has a plethora of commands. Here is a list: ".hello bot" allows the user to say hello to the bot wit

Grandeur Bot
Hello! Grandeur Bot is a new bot working to impress its users, and give people their basic server needs.

This bot has a plethora of commands. Here is a list:
".hello bot" allows the user to say hello to the bot with a custom response. Next we have ".prefix". This commands allows users to change the bots prefix to anything they want. Next up is ".kick" which as it is kicks the selected user. ".ban" bans the selected user. ".tank" the function is an interaction command and allows the user to make the bot “destroy” the selected user. Next up is “.ball” which is an 8Ball command. “.purge” allows only admins to clear the chat however messages they want. “.invite” sends a code out that allows users to invite the bot to their servers. “.issues” allows people to get a link to the official help discord.

Music Commands: “.music” shows the user all the music commands. “.join” allows the player to invite the bot into the voice channel they are in. “.play” allows the user to search Youtube for music or play music from a url. An example of this is: “.play copyright free music” or “.play”. The other music commands are “.pause” to pause the music, “.play” or to unpause the music, “.skip” or ".s" that allows you to skip the current song. More commands that have been added are ".memes" with appends a meme for you to laugh at. ".w (insert city name)" gives you the weather for the selected city.

Economy Commands: ".bal" Shows users balance ".bag" Shows users items ".beg" Gives the user a small amount of money ".send (@user) (insert number)" User gives another user an amount of money. ".slot (insert number)" User can bet their in-game currency.

Now you may be asking, why should I invite this bot? What makes it different than other bots?

We can answer that question in a few sentences:

Why should I invite Grandeur Bot?
Grandeur Bot is a multipurpose bot that is being worked on daily, striving to add more features that you want. Find a bug? Join our discord server and tell us about your issues and bugs! You will receive a special bug hunter role!

So what are you waiting for? Invite the bot now!

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
3 years ago
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Grandeur Bot
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Frequently asked questions

Grandeur Bot Discord bot is in 162 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.

To add Grandeur Bot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Grandeur Bot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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