

10 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 10
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 10 months ago

UniBot Discord Bot

UniBot: Your All-in-One Discord Companion – Fun, Moderation, and Utilities at Your Fingertips!

UniBot: Your All-in-One Discord Companion

UniBot is not just your average Discord bot; it's your versatile, all-in-one companion for Discord servers. With a comprehensive list of over 50 commands designed to enhance your Discord experience, UniBot offers everything from moderation and entertainment to customization and fun. Whether you're an administrator looking to manage your server efficiently or a member seeking entertainment and engagement, UniBot has got you covered.

The Ultimate Bot for Discord
UniBot's wide range of features can be summarized into several key categories:

1. Server Management and Moderation
UniBot empowers server administrators with essential tools to maintain a friendly and organized community. Features include:

Setup: Tailor your bot's behavior to your server's unique needs.

Reset Setup: Start over or fine-tune your configuration at any time.

Config: View and manage your server's configuration settings.

Warn: A robust warning system to keep your server respectful and safe.

Clear Warnings: Clear all warnings for a specific user.

Unwarn: Remove the latest warning from a user.

Warnings: Check a user's warning count.

Ban: Quickly and effectively ban users by mention or UserID.

Unban: Reverse a ban using a user's UserID.

Kick: Remove disruptive members with ease.

Timeout: Temporarily mute members by mention or UserID.

Untimeout: Revoke timeouts and restore communication.

Purge: Keep your channels clean by purging a specific number of messages.

Join and Leave: Control the bot's presence in voice channels.

2. Music and Entertainment
UniBot provides a wide range of entertainment options for your server members:

Play: Play music from YouTube URLs and create a playlist for your server.

Pause and Resume: Control your server's music playback.

Skip: Move to the next track in the playlist.

List: Display the current playlist.

Custom Embed: Create custom message embeds to personalize your server.

Trivia: Challenge your server members with trivia questions and leaderboards.

Points: Check your trivia game points and see who's leading.

Jokes and Fun: Generate random jokes, compliments, insults, facts, memes, and more.

Random Images: Fetch random pictures of cats and dogs.

Fortune Telling: Get your fortune from UniBot.

Games: Play various games like 8 Ball, Rock-Paper-Scissors, Hangman, and more.

3. Utility and Information
UniBot offers several utility and information-related commands:

User Information: Retrieve detailed information about a user.

Avatar: Fetch a user's avatar.

Server Information: Get essential server details.

Translate: Translate text to different languages.

Calculator: Perform mathematical calculations and display results in an embed.

Status: Check the bot's status and get information about it.

Code Challenges: Receive coding challenges with optional difficulty levels.

Mood Board: Generate mood boards based on themes or keywords.

Security Quiz: Enhance your server's security awareness.

4. Fun and Games
UniBot spices up your server with fun and interactive commands:

Magic Conch Shell: Seek yes-or-no answers to your questions.

Nickname Changes: Playfully change users' nicknames.

Google Search: Access quick Google search results.

Impersonation: Have fun impersonating other users.

Guess the Number: Participate in a number-guessing game.

Magic Tricks: Enjoy a virtual magic show.

Tic-Tac-Toe and Hangman: Play classic games with friends.

5. Miscellaneous Features
UniBot doesn't stop there. It also offers features like quote management, hug and slap commands, coin flips, and more, making it a truly all-in-one solution for your Discord server.

UniBot is the Swiss Army knife of Discord bots, offering a plethora of features that cater to both server administrators and members. Whether you need robust moderation tools to maintain order, engaging entertainment for your community, or quick access to useful information, UniBot delivers it all with a user-friendly and intuitive interface.

With UniBot by your side, your Discord server becomes a more vibrant, engaging, and enjoyable community. Invite UniBot today and unlock a world of possibilities for your server members.

Please note that the command list provided is a sample and may not represent the complete set of UniBot's commands. The bot may receive updates and additional features over time.

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
10 months ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

UniBot Discord bot is in 10 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 10 months ago.

To add UniBot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the UniBot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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