

26 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 26
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

GalaxyWorld Discord Bot

Discord multipurpose bot haves many features such as Reviews system, anti link system,anti ghost ping, giveaway system, memes, quotes, rizz, advice, sourcebin create, anonymous channel sends, welcome system, leave system, auto role!, auto response, bot made in discord.js and it cool bot ever!

Discord multipurpose bot haves many features such as Reviews system, anti link system,anti ghost ping, giveaway system, memes, quotes, rizz, advice, sourcebin create, anonymous channel sends, welcome system, leave system, auto role!, auto response, bot made in discord.js and it cool bot ever!
Here full commands! I will add more alot!

/level-roles: Give roles to people after reaching a certain level
/animal-fact: Gives you an animal fact!
/ascii: Create Ascii Art
/autoresponse-add: Add an autoresponse
/autoresponse-remove: Remove an autoresponse
/coin-flip: Flip a coin.
/create-embed: Create an embed
/review-disable: Disable the review system
/fake-tweet: Make users tweet something ;)
/guildlist: Lists all guilds the bot is in.
/insult: insult messages!
/joke: Get some jokes!
/level-give-xp: Give a user amount of XP.
/level-leaderboard: Displays the Rank leaderboard of the server.
/level-rank: Displays user's current rank level.
/level: Config your leveling system.
/mc-advancement: Generates a minecraft advancement.
/quote: Get some quotes!
/review: Server Review
/rizz: Get some rizz messages!
/review-setup: setup the review system
/showerthoughts: Get some shower thoughts!
/sourcebin: Pastes code or text to Sourcebin
/todo: Manage your to-do list!
/userperms: Displays user Permissions
/weather: Gets the weather of a given area.
/advice: Get some Advice!
/anonymous: anonymous something privately or set up the anonymous system.
/anti-link: Enables/Disables the anti-link moderation system.
/anti-ghost-ping: Configure your anti ghost ping moderation system.
/automod: Setup Automod for your server.
/autoresponses-list: List all autoresponses
/autoresponse-remove-all: Remove all autoresponse.
/autorole: Configure an automatic role that is given to your Members when joining.
/avatar: Fetch another users avatar.
/ban: Bans specified user.
/botinfo: Statistics of GalaxyWorld
/calculate-time: Calculate a time in milli seconds
/channel: Create or delete a channel.
/unlock: Unlocks the current channel.
/lock: Locks the current channel.
/colorinfo: Get info about a color
/discount: Calculates price after discount
/facts: Get some facts!
/first-message: Get First Message Of A Channel
/github: Get Info About A User On GitHub
/gwstart: Starts A Giveaway
/gwedit: Edits A Giveaway
/gwend: Ends A Giveaway
/gwreroll: Rerolls A Giveaway
/hack: Hack the mentioned user. "it's fake so no worries."
/help: Display available commands
/instantinvite: create an instant invite for your server
/interact: Interact with a buddy of yours!
/invites: shows the number of invites of specified user.
/kick: kick a user from the discord server
/math: Performs basic arithmetic calculations.
/mcstatus-bedrock: Tells A Minecraft Server Stats
/mcstatus-java: Tells A Minecraft Server Stats
/mcskin: Minecraft skin
/membercount: Shows number of members in the server.
/memes: Get a random meme..
/mute: Timesout specified user for specified amount of time.
/nick: Change specified user's nickname.
/generate-password: Generates a password for you.
/pixelate: Get a pixelated form of a user's avatar
/poll: Creates a poll
/purge: Delete a specified amount of messages!
/role: Removes specified role from specified user.
/say: Say a message.
/serverinfo: View information on the current server
/slowmode: Sets channel to use slowmode.
/starboard: Configure your starboard system in the server.
/sticky: Manages your sticky notes.
/tempban: Temp Ban A Member
/translate: Use the translation system to translate individual words or even entire sentences.
/unban: Unbans specified user.
/unmute: Untimesout specified user for specified amount of time.
/vote: Vote for the bot on!
/warn: Warns user for reason.
/welcome-leave-channel: Configure your server's welcome and leave channel.
/whois: Get the information of a User within your server!
/wiki: Find something in Wikipedia

Adding more!

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 year ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

GalaxyWorld Discord bot is in 26 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add GalaxyWorld on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the GalaxyWorld bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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