

10 Servers 2 Votes

  • Servers: 10
  • Monthly Votes: 2
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 12 months ago

Tashka Discord Bot

A Bot capable of doing various useful things, from playing wordle, fetching weather or even render math equations using math syntaxes

This bot supports both legacy (prefix) and /slash commands. The legacy commands are a bit outdated. The prefix is ~
Here are some of the things my bot can do:

# Wordle:
Wordle is a fun game where the objective is to guess a 5-letter word within 6 tries. The player will be given hints throughout their attempts at guessing the secret word. To play wordle, invite my bot and do /wordle to start the game. If you need any help you can do /help wordle

This command can render mathematical equations or even chemical reactions using the correct syntax. Currently discord doesn't allow you to type them nicely. They might look confusing, complicated or confusing when you are talking about them with your friends. To use this, do /render {latex code}. Do /help render to learn some basic latex. Trust me, its not as hard as you might think it is.

# timestamp generation:
This is something I think everyone should atleast learn about. Discord has a timestamp feature. You can put a countdown in the chats. But getting the correct Unix time code can be time consuming or hard. So I made a command to make it easier. Do /time {tense} {time}. To generate any timestamps easily and extremely fast. You can literally tell the bot to generate a timestamp 3 hour 5 min 7 sec ago or in the future and the bot can generate the timestamp. What are the use cases? You can show it to your friends, use this to arrange or host events, look for game party with a wait time etc.

It can do the mod commands like mute, unmute, kick, purge and nuke channels. It can do dank memer inspired commands like pp, coolrate, choose, 8ball etc. some of these commands are rigged on purpose to make it more fun. It can play high-low game with the range you give the bot and generate images (The images don't look that good).

# * Contact:
My discord id is @ soul_.void
Add me to DM me. I will read your message and reply to you within 24 hours. You may ask me about the bot, suggest things etc and I will try to help you

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
12 months ago
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Frequently asked questions

Tashka Discord bot is in 10 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 12 months ago.

To add Tashka on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Tashka bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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