12,800 Servers 137 Votes
A perfect NSFW BOT with images, GIFs and videos to calm your horny hormones.
# 🤖 Maid Bot - Complete Guide
## 📝 Overview
Maid is a multifunctional Discord bot specialized in NSFW content and entertainment. The bot requires NSFW channels to function properly and offers a wide range of commands.
## 🛠️ Main Commands
### NSFW Content
- /nhentai [code]
- Search manga using numerical codes
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Example: /nhentai 7892
- /hentai [category]
- Displays hentai images from specific categories
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- 35+ available categories including: neko, maid, cosplay, etc.
- /realporn [category]
- Real adult content
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- 30+ available categories
- /rule34 [tags]
- Rule34 search
- Button navigation for 2 minutes
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
### Multimedia & Entertainment
- /video [type]
- Real or animated videos
- Options: Real, Animated
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- /shitpost
- Shares memes and humorous content
- Includes refresh button
- No required parameters
### Creativity & Reddit
- /create [prompt] [model]
- AI image generation
- Optional parameters for fine-tuning
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- /reddit [subreddit]
- Reddit content navigation
- Sorting and time options
- Button navigation for 10 minutes
## 🔗 Useful Links
- Official Documentation
- Invite the Bot
- Support Server
## ⚠️ Important Notes
- All NSFW commands require an NSFW channel
- Using the bot implies acceptance of terms and conditions
- Cooldowns are designed to prevent spam
- Detailed prompts are recommended for better results in image generation
## 🎨 Design Features
- Custom embed interface
- Interactive navigation buttons
- Server theme integration
- Consistent avatar and branding
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Maid Discord bot is in 12,800 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 days ago.
To add Maid on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Maid bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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