

15 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 15
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

Abble Discord Bot

Proyect Abble bot made by Milo The Goat

Abble bot based on Abble from Kaiju Paradise made with BotGhost, this bot has two versions due to the limited number of commands that the hosting page has and because this bot will not provide me with a bot developer in case of passing the goal of 100 servers because it was created in an account that was hacked It's been a while, luckily my bot is active and I can keep updating it.

I make original commands and they are available to everyone (Not like mee6 that makes certain services pay) this project is only created for fun and I do not seek to monetize with it, the only thing that I am going to require is to collect a little income to remove certain limits of the page in which it is hosted since I have 8 maximum commands and some commands blocked that soon, if I get enough collection I will bring this bot and the secondary version: Abble+ which is in my current discord account and that If you give me the developer verification.

I hope you enjoy this project, originally I was going to have a music command but as many of us know, YouTube doesn't allow it and the music command :c

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Last Bumped
1 year ago
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Frequently asked questions

Abble Discord bot is in 15 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add Abble on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Abble bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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