Receive Support

Receive Support


142 Servers 7 Votes

  • Servers: 142
  • Monthly Votes: 7
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 11 months ago

Receive Support Discord Bot

A small and fast bot to enhance the voice support of your server!

With Receive Support Bot you can make your Discord support easier and more effective. Add support waiting room music to your support waiting room or have your team members notified automatically!
[] = Optional, {} = Mandatory.

General Commands

- /help - Show this page!
- /support - Get a link for the support server!
- /ping - Check the ping of the bot. A higher ping means that the bot takes longer to respond!
- /language-set {language} - Change the language of the bot!
- /systemchannel-set {channel} - Set the system channel!
- /diagnosis - Start a system diagnosis to detect potential errors!

Commands for the waiting system

You can define support waiting rooms and roles. When a user joins a support waiting room, all users who have a support role will get a ping in the defined system channel. There is also the possibility to define a support waitingroom music!
- /waitingchannel-add {channel} - Add a waitingchannel!
- /waitingchannel-remove {channel} - Remove a waitingchannel!
- /waitingchannel-list - List all waitingchannels!
- /supportrole-add {role} - Add a support notification role!
- /supportrole-remove {role} - Remove a support notification role!
- /supportrole-list -} List all support notification roles!
- /waitingmusic-toggle {TRUE/FALSE} - Turns the waiting music on/off!
- /waitingmusic-set {URL} - Set a waiting room music. Youtube links work best!
- /supportnotification-toggle {TRUE/FALSE} - Enable/Disable the support notification!

Mit dem Receive Support Bot kannst du deinen Discord Support einfacher machen und effektiver gestalten. Füge Supportwarteraum Musik für deinen Supportwarteraum hinzu oder lass deine Teammitglieder automatisch Benachrichtigen!
Hier kannst du sehen was ich alles kann. [] = Optional, {} = Obligatorisch

Allgemeine Befehle

- /help -} Zeigt dir die Hilfe seite an
- /language-set {Sprache} - Setze die Sprache des Bots für deinen Server.
- /support - Bekomme einen Link für den Support Server
- /systemchannel-set {Kanal} - Setze den System Kanal. Über diesen Kanal wirst du Updates, Support Notifications und Fehlermeldungen bekommen!
- /ping - Überprüfe den Ping des Bots! Ein hoher Ping bedeutet das der Bot länger zum Antworten benötigt
- /diagnosis - Starte eine Systemdiagnose um potenzielle Fehler zu erkennen!

Commands für das Warteraum System

Du kannst Support Warteräume und Rollen festlegen. Wenn ein Benutzer einen Support Warteraum beitritt bekommen alle Benutzer die eine Support Rolle haben einen Ping in dem definierten Systemkanal. Außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit eine Support Warteraum Musik festzulegen!
- /waitingchannel-add {Kanal} - Füge einen Warteraumkanal hinzu!
- /waitingchannel-remove {Kanal} - Entferne einen Warteraumkanal!
- /waitingchannel-list - Liste alle Warteraumkanäle auf!
- /supportrole-add {Rolle} - Füge eine Support Benachrichtigungsrolle hinzu!
- /supportrole-remove {Rolle} - Entferne eine Support Benachrichtigungsrolle!
- /supportrole-list - Liste alle Support Benachrichtigungsrolle!
- /waitingmusic-toggle {TRUE/FALSE} - Schaltet die Warteraummusik ein/aus!
- /waitingmusic-set {URL} - Setzte eine Warteraummusik. Am besten funktionieren Youtube links!
- /supportnotification-toggle {TRUE/FALSE} - Aktiviere/Deaktiviere die Supportbenachrichtigung!

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
11 months ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
Receive Support
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Frequently asked questions

Receive Support Discord bot is in 142 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 11 months ago.

To add Receive Support on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Receive Support bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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